Privacy-Invasive and Walled-Off Social Media

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This website is set up as an old school forum, which themselves are based on old Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) to provide open access to information. There's no doubt our world is more connected than ever, but the hard truth is we have lost much of our privacy if we partake in it, and often times even if we opt out. Even if privacy is protected, more and more popular methods of world wide communication is becoming more and more closed off - a recent example being the Reddit fiasco where they monetized their API and many subreddits' users and data going dark.

Of course the preciously mentioned Reddit is one of the most well known and used websites to share ideas, support, opinions, news. NO doubt it is a good resource, however more and more over the years it has become less open to the free exchange of these things. It first came to light after the banning of the very popular TheDonald subreddit, a pro-Donald Trump community that was kicked off the platform because the political ideologies did not align with the accepted ideals of the Reddit administration. Since then, the Reddit admins have banned many more subreddits that they disagreed with losing many millions of posts and comments that users shared. Furthermore, in subreddits that are active on the platform often have severe censorship problems amongst the moderators. If you go to a subreddit and remotely disagree with a widely accepted opnion of it despite backing up your point with evidence, you will face punishment and a ban.

There is no doubt that Reddit has become a censored dystopia and as time goes on, more useful information will end up lost forever on the platform.

Discord is a popular application for gamers and non-gamers with text and voice chat. It requires an account with Discord, the entity which has an EULA allowing the sharing and sale of your personal data. In exchange, it offers a service of "servers" for various topics, projects, teams, and so forth. This is great for things you wish to keep private between yourself and the server's members but many open-source software projects offer their tech support and development chats on Discord. For those users who don't wish to give up their privacy, they lose out on viewing information that may be important to solving a problem that would otherwise be available for public access in mailing lists or forums. This goes far beyond open-source projects, many niche hobbyists use this for the same purpose and, again, puts all this great information behind a closed wall that needs you to give up some of your privacy.
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